if you can call it that. I don't think I've ever considered myself 'normal', but I am starting to feel like me again. ***However, I reserve the right to revert to Bitch Mode again at a moments notice~just thought I'd warn ya!*** I even went to Fred Meyer's today & wasn't at all tempted by the Razzelberry Pie that I was craving so desperately less than 48 hours ago. It was bad I tell you! I wanted the whole pie. It was so bad that the kids were hiding out for fear that I would use one of them as a bartering tool to get one of said pies. Alas, today I settled for fresh veggies & cottage cheese. Yep...getting back to normal......
The only crap I purchased at the store today was for the kiddos....you can tell I am real worried about their nutritional intake (just kidding...do not throw stones).....they have a new additction: Eggo Waffle Cereal. OMG! If you have not tried it....run, do not walk, to your nearest groocery store & get a box. This stuff is crazy good! Like love in a box! But do not make the mistake I did....do not give it to your kids. Save it for yourself! Hide it in the laundry room if you have to (cuz we all know that no one but Mom dares venture into that realm). But seriously, you have to try it............YUM! Wait...didn't I say I bought it for the kids??? Well, I digress.....
So today, as I said, is pretty normal....grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, preschool & carpooling.....oh & I just have to share..... I am now experiencing all the joys of 'dog ownership'. I got to pick all the dog crap up in my yard today. Joy-of-joys! I know you are envious......... First it was wiping boogers off the wall & now it's dog poop.......dare to dream......:)
1 year ago
Ok, phew! I thought I was the only one who bought Eggo cereal and secretly ate it when no one was looking. ;)
Sounds like you are back to your crazy/normal self!!! I am kinda worried about this dog business... this may be our one quality that as twins we do not share!!!
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