Tuesday, November 20

Get out your wallets.....

cause I am going to have to start taking donations for little R.'s "Therapy Fund". Seriously I think I scarred my child for life today.......

Before picking him up from school I stopped at the mini-mart for a diet Coke & I threw a bag of gummi bears up on the counter for my boy as a little treat

So as he climbs in the van & tells me what a great day he had, I hand him this bag of yumminess....

R: thanks mama! Can you open them?

Me: Sure thing buddy!

At this point I notice he puts a single bear in his little mouth with a grimace and then swallows it whole. What the???? The boy LOVES candy, any and ALL candy...he would eat it 24/7 if I let him......

And then it happened....the tears started to flow.......by the bucketful.....accompanied by silent sobs. No drama.....I sat there dumbfounded as I watched my son's heart break in slow motion.....and yet I had NO idea why.........

Me: Baby, what's wrong?

R: I can't do it......(at this point he hands the bag of gummies back to me )......I just can't eat them

Me: Does your tummy hurt?

R: No mama....I just can't eat Dadu's babies. (at this point he totally fell apart in my arms)

Yes....readers meet my son's very best friend in the whole-wide-world, Dadu. He loves this bear like most little boys love their dog. The innocent love of a child..... They go everywhere together. R. was devastated when he realized Dadu couldn't go to kindergarten with him. And what did I do....I tried to feed him Dadu's babies???? What kind of mother am I????? Holy crap!
And if that wasn't bad enough, for the next 2 hours he would just spontaneously break out sobbing and say "I just can't get it out of my mind...." It was just so pitiful!
So, yes, I get the Bad Mom of the Year award...maybe even the decade.....I totally (even if accidently) messed with my 5 year old's head big time today.....


Maude Lynn said...

Oh, bless his heart!

Jackie said...

Just when you think you have kids figured out - they throw you a curve ball. To be so young and so innocent again, hmmmm, no way. I prefer to see the world thru my grandkids eyes. If only the rest of the world could slow down and see life as they do. We'd all be much better off. Poor R, who would think he would be so sensitive about gummi bears. Bet you're going to have to huge amounts of blah spray tonight! Oops, now you're going to have to explain that one, sorry!

carrie said...

Oh - that is the saddest thing, EVER (how on earth could you have known?)!

But he'll get over it soon, I hope!

Anonymous said...

Sad, but very funny!

k said...

oh my goodness..that is a funny story...I sure hope he recovers from the trauma.

just think 15-20 yrs down the road you can tell that story to his girlfriend...LOL!

Aleka's World said...

Aw! He's adorable!
Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Nilsa S. said...

Priceless. Who ever said you go a day without learning something new - sometimes it's hard not to.

Greta Adams said...

who would have thunk it!!!!!

bless his heart girl i feel terrible so i know you do...

I'll make up your mother of the year award for you!!


happy turkey day!

Kellan said...

Oh ... poor baby. But, I just loved this post and the title and all of it - it made me laugh, sorry. I love these crazy kids!! Take care and have a great Thanksgiving! Hope he recovers from this trauma - really. Kellan

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh NO! I wouldn't have thought of it either.....

what a sweet boy!


LunaNik said...

this is so cute...that poor boy, you almost made him eat Dadu's babies...bad mommy, bad mommy! no seriously, that's very sweet that he loves his bear so much that he won't even eat gummies...super cute!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Hi Stacy,

I just tagged you in a meme... sorry about the timing.. I know this is a busy weekend for my American friends.

Happy day after Thanksgiving!

the dragonfly said...

Aww, poor little guy! I think he'll survive it, though... :)

Bethany E. said...

What a funny, but sad story...poor little guy. :)

Happy late Thanksgiving!

Victoria said...

Oh, poor little sensitive guy! My Boy feels deeply like that too. College, Therapy...we're all saving for something for our kids, right? =)

Holly said...

Awww, poor little guy! That's so sweet though. You never know how they're going to react to something new or relate it something else.

Maybe he's more of a gummy worm guy? :)

Misty said...

This has got to be one of the sweetest stories I've heard in a long time........