Friday, April 20

Friday randomness.....

It's finally Friday...I think that's a good thing

Been uber busy with school, preschool, etc.....but whatever, time is flying.

2 more weeks until we go to Ohio...we can hardly wait. Only thing left to do is pick up our dresses from the alterations place next week :) Here is D in her dress 'partially done'. She is going to look sooo beautiful!

Last night we attended the annual Preschool Family Dance. The kids had a blast....but came home exhausted! You gotta love that

And lastly I am gonna leave you with a picture of my little dude, totally digging his 'coffee' choc is so much better when it comes from the coffee stand. And this mama loves the drive thru coffee stands :)


Jackie said...

I'm so glad you osted some pics. It seems like forever, rather than 3 weeks since I've seen you and the kids. Tuesday can't come fast enough for me. Everyone looks great...miss you all bunches and bunches!

justem said...

Your daughter looks beautiful!!!

k said...

Great pictures- your kids are adorable!! Have a great trip to OH - hope all goes well and please check in when you get back and let us know all about it.