Monday, April 10

More Marvelous Monday Mojo........

This evening at karate D. was awarded her orange belt (it is the 3rd belt). She was soooooo proud, as she should be! Not bad for a 7 year old, eh????


Kat said...

congrats to her! thats awesome. i've always wanted to try out karate..........
(just started the shopaholic series!!! fun stuff, thanks for the rec!)

Kate Michele said...

Hey!! So awesome for D!! I'll have to tell Chad he will be so happy for her!!!

justem said...

wow...she could kick my butt!

Jackie said...

Our shy, quiet D...she can Kick butt!

gloria said...

Rock the orange, D...I can remember wanting to get into karate at that age...

or maybe a bit older?

What did Karate Kid come out? LMAO