My baby girl's dream has come true....she has always wanted a dog & now that she has one, she has never been happier. She & Schotzie lay in her bed together while she reads at night. It is soooooo stinkin' cute! It makes my heart to see her so happy :)
I have been going through pictures I've taken over the past few weeks & have come to realize I will never get caught up on my scrapbooking. Oh well...such is life. However, I am going to have so much fun making Easter pages for this year. Check out my little bunny dude from the preschool Easter party....too cute
I am still counting down the days (61 days) until Ohio...I can hardly wait!!! I have been so homesick for so long :) And the kids are getting pumped up too! Look out Buckeyes, here we come :)
Wednesday, April 26
And they call it puppy love......
What going through the mind of Stacy at 10:47 AM 12 comments
Friday, April 21
Where does the time go?????
I feel like I have been on the never-ending roller coaster the past couple weeks.........other than to sleep we haven't spent more than an hour at home at any one time. We're constantly running here or there with no time to stop & catch your breath. Whew!
Thursday was R.'s field trip to the Fire Station & the kiddos had loads of fun. The parents~ not so much. Imagine 5 parents chasing after 12 hyped-up 3 year olds, plus a few extras. Man, I knew I should have doubled up on the caffiene before school. Note to self: field trip + NO caffiene=sheer hell!
And although I took all the obligatory photos of the trucks & such, this one is my favorite... golly, I love that little dude!!!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 4:28 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 13
I love my family....I really do.....
but I just may have to bring out the Pikes Place restroom backmail again if my dearest sis doesn't resurface soon in the Land of Blog. Last time she went MIA she said it was because she had nothing to talk about......this time I ain't buying it. With L. in the picture & spill it Femmie...what are you up to girlie????
What going through the mind of Stacy at 5:12 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 10
More Marvelous Monday Mojo........
This evening at karate D. was awarded her orange belt (it is the 3rd belt). She was soooooo proud, as she should be! Not bad for a 7 year old, eh????
What going through the mind of Stacy at 10:31 PM 5 comments
Marvelous Monday & the Weekend update....
and when I say "Marvelous Monday", I mean it. It has been a great day all around, even with the mix of snow & rain falling outside. We just had a great "Family weekend" know it's always awesome when K. comes home. We pretty much hung out & just enjoyed being together. Yesterday we went to Wally World & the kids got new bikes from Grandma (D.'s was an early birthday present & R.'s was because...well he's so darn cute. Thanks Mom :) We brought the bikes home & both kids amazed us. D. had outgrown her old bike & is now in a 24inch 10speed. :0
How did she get this big??? This was R.'s first big boy bike....until now he had been strictly a tricycle man....well look at him now. He was off! At one point he had taken off & was 5 houses down. As I ran after him & shouted for him to come back, he yelled to me "I don't need any help Mom!". That boy is too much. Mr. Independent, I tell you! They both did so well that we took them to Cold Stone to celebrate! Yummy!
Today K. took R. & his little friend to gymnastics, to enable the launch of Operation E.B. (or in civilian terms, Easter Bunny shopping). I couldn't believe Easter has snuck up on me again, so I had to get my butt back to Walmart to get stuff for the kiddos' baskets. I am thrilled to say that is d-o-n-e!
Then we came home & R. was insistent on riding his bike the rain none the less. Crazy kid! Maybe I have the next Lance Armstrong in my midst......
Tonight is D.'s Karate class & then a parent meeting for our preschool (a parent co-op). It seems like I am constantly on the run....but life is good...damn good!
Lastly I wanted to share some pics of my girl in her aquatic state. She has been rockin' the local pool lately. Her coach says one more 'level' & then she can join the swim team. On Friday 3 of the coaches were standing around & commenting on her...then they leaned over the rail into the bleachers to tell me my daughter has a 'beautiful backstroke...the best they've seen in years'. I was floored! This is the kid that wouldn't put her face underwater a year & a half ago. Way to go D.!!!!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 4:20 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 5
Do you know what is on tonight?????
And no it's not Sunday....which we all know now has fab-u-lous TV...but it ranks right up 'there'.....
This show rocks! I wanna be on this show....this show needs me! I think I should apply. But in order to apply you have to make a tape of you & the people you want to be your supporters. I am sure they want 'crazy-ish' & gimmicky without being too obvious, KWIM? So I'm off to strategize......
What going through the mind of Stacy at 12:12 PM 8 comments
A good read.....
Just finished this book...I love it!!! I love any & all books, but this series is just a really fun & easy read (ya know for the times when your brain is too overloaded to process the likes of Tolkein). You truly can't help but laugh outloud at the main character, Becky. She is hopeless....& yet in the end, you want her to win. If you haven't read the "Shopaholic" series, you should really check it out...let me know what you think :)
What going through the mind of Stacy at 11:47 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 4
Re-cap of the day......
I all have been on the edge of your seats all day, just waiting to hear about all the fun & excitement in my here's the low-down:
~ I wake D. for school this morning & the very first thing out of her mouth is "Narnia comes out today". Is that a hint??? Actually she had been working to earn it, so I picked it up while she was at school today. And between you & me, I think I was more excited to get it than she was.
~ I picked K.'s car up from the shop. Verdict: $199 for a brake job(and oil change). Oh joy...
~I volunteered at R.'s preschool today. Uhm...can someone please explain to me how I used to teach preschool for a living???? I used to LOVE it. But since I've had kids of my own, I truly don't have the patience for the kids who haven't been taught boundaries at home...... I think if I ever go back to work, I need to consider a change of career...seriously....R. singing during circle time at school!
~The weather here is still crap! The weatherman calls it Spring...I say not so much.....Does this look like spring to you???
And yes, it is really is as gloomy as the picture looks. And to top it off our dog had a good ole time playing in the puddles from the melted snow...or should I say the muck. The smell was horrendous! So not only did I get to bathe the kids, I got to bathe the tell me you don't wish you were me..I thought so.....
~In case you were wondering, my internet service provider sucks...I am now on day 4 of being able to receive e-mails, however I can't send any. Huh? So on that note I will share with you the "Care Meter" my sister Femmie sent me today via e-mail...enjoy!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 8:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 3
And the fun just never stops.....
~wake up yesterday morning to over 4 inches of snow. WTF??? It is April people. This is just soooooo wrong....
~I'm takin' the Super Cav (K. Cavalier Z24) over to the mechanics this afternoon for a break job. Fun!Fun! There goes some fundage right out the window......
~It's C-O-L-D here! Did I mention it's supposed to be spring???
~It's Monday...of a full 5 day days off from school or holidays or this rate we might luck into a snow day...wouldn't that be fabulous...........
~There is an ache in my heart that I don't have the energy to explain.....some of you know.....I thought it would be better by now, but it's not.......
Tomorrow is another day....................
What going through the mind of Stacy at 12:32 PM 6 comments
Saturday, April 1
My son is headed to 'juvie'.........
and he's only 4! Just kidding! But believe me, I had a moment there the other day when it finally happened.........he got in trouble at preschool! I know, you are shocked! I am too! How does my son get in trouble??? Can this really be happening???? ***if you haven't picked up on the major sarcasm yet...well you are beyond hope***
I guess I should back up a bit....D. is 7 1/2. She never gets in trouble. Sometimes VERY minor things here at home, but never at other peoples houses & certainly never at school. And I mean 'never' in it's truest form. She has truly been the easiest kid ever. I know it'll all probably backfire when we hit the teen years, but I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts.
Then there is R. whojust turned 4. He is trouble waiting to happen, especially for me. Little turkey! You can just see it in his eyes! However, he really suprised me this past year~ he has started having playdates & going to preschool. Once in a great while he will get into some mischief at a friends house....& then I have to remind myself...HE'S 4! And I do my best to take it in stride.
Well Thursday morning he goes to preschool & I head off to the gym. My friend K. goes to pick up both of our sons & then she was gonna come over to our house. Well my phone rings right about pick-up time & K. is calling to tell me we won't be having a playdate that day. Apparently R. & her son K. had been quite the little stinkers at school that day. So much so that the teacher took my friend aside to talk to her about it. I couldn't believe finally kid had gone off the deep end. For goodness sakes, he was jumping on the furniture in the reading area! And when the teacher tried to talk to them, the boys fell out on the floor, pretended they were dead & that they couldn't hear her. And apparently that was only the beginning..... I guess for the entire 2 1/2 hours, they were quite the pair~ partners in crime. That's it...the are destined for 'juvie'.
A little while later Mrs. G called to talk to me. She was actually laughing about it. She said "this is the usual behavior for some of the boys in the class, but I've never seen these two like this" We had a good laugh & I know all in all it's not that bad. But it finally happened~ Thursday I was the mom of the BAD KID! hehe
R. & talked about it & he got some privileges taken away. He was really quite sorry for what happened. But here's the best part:
Me: Sweetie, why did you act like that at school today?
R:(said in his sweetest little dude voice) Mom, we was just being silly, but Mrs. G didn't think it was very funny.
It was like....'hey mom, she just doesn't get our sense of humor'. Oh man, I am in soooooooo much trouble with this little guy.....
What going through the mind of Stacy at 9:17 AM 8 comments