Thursday, January 15

Hey Mom........

In just 8 short days (next Saturday) this is what we have to look forward to.....

High 80°F

Precip 10%

And that makes me VERY, VERY


stacy a said...

Is this your Hawaii trip?

Brittany said...

hawaii? seriously? OH man. i am jealous!!!!

Rachel said...

Now you have to send some our way; it's sooooo cold today!

Jackie said...

Simply can not wait! It's been way too long since I've been to Hawaii. And to have it all paid that's the perfect vacation! Yes, I even get per diem to cover the cost of meals.

k said...

Argh - rub it in why don't ya???!??!! Just kidding - hope you have fun!!

Larry and Steph said...

you suck!! Lub ya anyway

Jennifer said...

your gonna have such a great time!! I know your really gonna miss AK with all the lovely weather we've been having:P

Lovely Lalo-Cha said...