Sunday, June 1

Hitting the town...twice in one week!!!!

Yes......the SAHM who normally has her head buried in school books hit the town twice in one week. To be honest...twice in a 3 days period. What is the world coming to????

First, on Wednesday night my friend Jen & I went to the long-awaited Elton John concert in Anchorage. You see, EJ has never played in Alaska before so this was a huge deal. So we abandonded our housewife-wear (AKA sweatpants & pony tails) & hit the town.....stillettos and all..............

Before the concert we enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Bernie's Bungalow...great food (I had the Thai Lemongrass chicken) and sitting in the sun. And little did we know Bernie's & one of the local radio stations was hosting a party for all the people who couldn't get tickets to the concert. It was EJ music & trivia galore..................

After stuffing ourselves we headed to the concert. It was was packed but it was oh-so-fun! Sadly, neither of us took cameras with a strong enough lens to get a really good picture (I mean you all know mine got STOLEN).....but none-the-less, it was fabulous!

Sorry about the poor video quality...I was using D's little pink Sony had a raging drunk sitting next too me who kept wacking me as she danced. And believe me ...she danced whether the song warranted it or not......

In fact in the clip you can hear Jen talking about how "jerky" her dancing (and I use that term loosely) was.....seriously you would have thought she was at Headbangers Ball or something..... Then you somebody mention YouTube. That wasn't about my video clip, but the girl sitting to Jen's left who was taking video of the crazy drunk with her iPhone & uploading it to YouTube and Myspace right there from section 215! You gotta love the digital age.......................

So after totally exhausting ourselves Wednesday night we took a day to recoup & then hit the town again Friday night with a group of six women to go see the Sex and the City Movie. Jen & I drug them all down to Bernie's with us again for more yummy Thai food. This time I had the Coconut Curry Chicken washed down with a couple of Bernie's delicious Cosmos

There was loads of crazy antics (like Jen popping across the street to get $$ from the ATM.....but when I went off in search of her I found her trying on shoes in Nordstroms. But I do have to give it to her...the shoes were really cute....) But alas....we headed off to the movie & we got there safely thanks to our DD MaryAnn. :)

Afterwards we hit Outback for another round some warm yummy bread! It was a fabulous night. And now this mama will be crawling back into her housework/schoolwork shell for a another month or 12. But it was fun while it lasted.......................


The Mom Jen said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad you had a great night with your girlfriends! I'll get my SATC post organized, check back!

Larry and Steph said...

I am sooooooooooooooo stinkin' jealous that you got to see SATC. No one around here wants to see it, but after devoting so much time to watching the entire series from beginning to end...I NEED to see the movie LOL. I wish you were home...we coulda hit the movie together. It's been a while since we've done that. I'm glad you got a couple of fun girls' night deserve it with all the hard work your doing. I miss you!!!! L. Boy says hi as well. We love you!!!!!!! Forty Nerdy.....

Larry and Steph said...

Oh...and I forgot to comment on how jealous I am of the EJ concert. What the heck girlie? LOL. L and I tried to see him in Vegas when we went out on our honeymoon, but his last night performing was the night we flew in. I was soooo crushed....I mean that was a big step for L to agree to go see the "flamer" as he calls him. I don't care what his orientation is...that man can sing and he works wonders on the red piano. I wanna hear all about that concert sister. Love you!!!!

k said...

Well, it sounds like you all had a lot of fun and that's what matters. I still need to see the SATC movie...not sure when I'll get there, but I hope it's soon.

Great pictures too!!!

stacy a said...

WOW....2 nights're going alittle crazy there aren't you? :) Good for have to take time for yourself and enjoy a cosmo here and there. As to Fems comment, I told her I would go with her to the movie...she would enjoy it more with you but you take what you can get. I've watched some of the shows so I don't think I would be totally lost. Glad you had a great time with you friends. I also understand how one can get so easily distracted while going to the ATM....I might have a small shoe problem myself.....and if they were cute, well, what can I say. Love you bunches!!!!!

OHmommy said...

PHEW... you didn't spill the beans on the movie. Everyone is writing about the movie today. ;) Need to see it!

What a great weekend. You guys look saucy!

Jennifer said...

what a fun night we had!!

Lovely Lalo-Cha said...

Sounds like you ladies had a fab time....You have to get out there now and again.

We've all experienced the roudy dancer at some point and time. I am glad you made it out without bruises or handcuffs.

Thanks for stopping by my page..I will def. be back to read about your ventures.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Sounds like you had a great evening! Even SAHM's can go out and live it up once in awhile!