so I am sitting in my Weight Watchers meeting today & this lady walks in.....she is a well known realtor in our area. She is wearing this awful loud print blouse with an equally gawdy fushia denim jacket, a neck scarf (uhm...did she not realize it was 75 freaking degrees outside!) while carrying a lime green purse that was big enough to carry a small child. As if this wasn't bad enough she these HUGE 'I-am-attempting-to-channel-Paris-Hilton-sunglasses' throughout the entire meeting. We live in rural Alaska, paparazzi to avoid here. And to top it all off she wore the ultimate......
Yep, a dimante Bluetooth. I couldn't help but chuckle. When are people gonna realize a Bluetooth is NOT a fashion accessory. WTF? Now I am not knocking technology...I have a Bluetooth myself....but for in the car. And it looks more like this
I just don't get 'it''s an item of convience but it sure the hell isn't stylish. And unless you are the Pope or the President or something, you can not possible tell me you are so freaking important that you have to have your phone attached to your ear 24/7. I seem to remember just 10 years ago when most people didn't have cell phones & we all managed just fine. I guess what I am trying to say is that I personally think people who wear their Bluetooths all the time look pretty ridiculous. ***If I have offended some of you I apologize, but since this is my blog, I'm gonna tell it like I see it!**
Next order of business.....
I am still at work on D. girl's party. We are busy chosing a image for her cake. Our local bakery does the computer image cakes & so far this is what my girl has chosen
I think it'll look freakin awesome!!!! Just 9 days until the big event!!! Wahoo! And while I am counting down...3 more days of school & 34 days 'til we go home for a visit!!! Someone is getting excited....and that someone is me!!!
The bluetooth thing...ok, so we had to do a 'corrective action' on an employee who thought she could hide it under hair at work and not be noticed talking to friends while she helped a member (customer). Actually tried to pass it off as talking to herself...until she tucked her hair behind said ear...duhhh! Have people forgotten that they get paid to actually life is for after work, please! Or the idiot who was hitting on a female member while doing a transaction. "Oops, I didn't mean to offend you by commenting on your hot body..I thought you would take it as a compliment" Don't get me started. SM, you comment on the tendy appearance of said realter at Weight've seen some of the horror outfits when you stop by my place of work. And they truly think they're making a fshion statement. If you are a size size 10....but if you are a size 14, PLEASE do NOT try to squeeze your sorry butt into a is not attractive in the least. And don't layer a size 10 tank under a size 10 shirt when both items should be a 14...that's even worse. They don't call me the fashion police for nothing! I may not be high fashion, but I do know a few things about...neat, clean, and professional. I don't want to see your cleavage or chest hair...and I don't want to count rolls...and I don't want to see plumber's butt when you bend over (or worse stand up). Ok, I'll stop now...
That bluetooth thing is hilarious :)
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