Get your mind out of the gutter!!! Last night we went to Anchorage & got my boy a 'hooker''s official name is Adams Trail-a-Bike. It will hook on to my bike & he'll be pulled along. There are pedals for him to use but at this point I'm well aware they provide me very little assistance. R.'s little friend K. informed him it is called a "hooker". What can I say...they're 4! So last night R. too got a hooker at REI. $100 well spent! The boys are so excited for the weekend to take their hookers out on the town! And the big sisters are equally excited that we can actually go on long bike rides because we won't have to worry about the little dudes keeping up.
Thursday, May 25
A boy.....$100......& a hooker......
What going through the mind of Stacy at 8:12 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 23
Fashion imapired.....
so I am sitting in my Weight Watchers meeting today & this lady walks in.....she is a well known realtor in our area. She is wearing this awful loud print blouse with an equally gawdy fushia denim jacket, a neck scarf (uhm...did she not realize it was 75 freaking degrees outside!) while carrying a lime green purse that was big enough to carry a small child. As if this wasn't bad enough she these HUGE 'I-am-attempting-to-channel-Paris-Hilton-sunglasses' throughout the entire meeting. We live in rural Alaska, paparazzi to avoid here. And to top it all off she wore the ultimate......
Yep, a dimante Bluetooth. I couldn't help but chuckle. When are people gonna realize a Bluetooth is NOT a fashion accessory. WTF? Now I am not knocking technology...I have a Bluetooth myself....but for in the car. And it looks more like this
I just don't get 'it''s an item of convience but it sure the hell isn't stylish. And unless you are the Pope or the President or something, you can not possible tell me you are so freaking important that you have to have your phone attached to your ear 24/7. I seem to remember just 10 years ago when most people didn't have cell phones & we all managed just fine. I guess what I am trying to say is that I personally think people who wear their Bluetooths all the time look pretty ridiculous. ***If I have offended some of you I apologize, but since this is my blog, I'm gonna tell it like I see it!**
Next order of business.....
I am still at work on D. girl's party. We are busy chosing a image for her cake. Our local bakery does the computer image cakes & so far this is what my girl has chosen
I think it'll look freakin awesome!!!! Just 9 days until the big event!!! Wahoo! And while I am counting down...3 more days of school & 34 days 'til we go home for a visit!!! Someone is getting excited....and that someone is me!!!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 22
Just for Femmie....
because this is my blog & I can......(in reply to your comment on my previous post)
I miss you too...more than you know! Never when we were growing up could I have ever imagined we'd be so close as adults. I can't wait to get home...I'm not just home sick, I'm "Femmie-sick" and it's only be a few months. Somehow it seemed easier to be apart 10years ago than it does now. I pray every single day that God will find a way for us to be closer again. Your not just the best sister a girl could ever are the bestest of best friends!
It's funny...when I was writing about change I started to talk about becoming less tolerant & such (who me???) but for some strange reason, I left all of that out. But it's true. It seems the older we get, the more alike we become. I guess we turned out okay after all. Ya think AK has anything to do with all of this?????
So girlie...I can't wait to get home!!! I miss you oodles & can't wait to meet the infamous L.
Lub ya! Forty nerdy!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 1:50 PM 2 comments
"cause everything changes...
nothing ever stays the same"'s that time...there is change in the air & I'm okay with that.
You know, those times in your life when everything is evolving & you actually feel welcome it. That's where I am at right now.
So these are a few changes that are imminent or already in motion...
~ my sweet friend Kippi & her family are leaving the Greatland. Bummer...but it's good for them...closer to family & a new start in a lot of ways
~K. started his new job....the wheels are in motion
~end of the school year signals a new one is just around the corner
~friendships....changing in many ways.....hmmmm.....
~lots of changes for my family back in Ohio
~and then there is me.....I am changing but not in any ways I can really describe. Some of my intersts have changed, my views, my goals.... I am becomeing stronger, more opinionated, more certain of who I am & what I believe. It's like getting to know somebody new, except we share the same skin. I'm thinking I like this gal....I look forward to getting to know her better.
Things I wish would change....
~Uhm, I'd like to see a huge drop on the scale when I go to Weight Watchers. I seem to think I might need to start tipping the ladies who weigh me...if I give them enough moola then maybe I'll see some progress....whatcha think?
~I wish I could become more focused. I tend to be a bit 'scattered' & find it hard to get a whole lot done unless I am under a lot of pressure. This really needs to change
......although I 'wish' for some change, I know I just need to enjoy the ride...cuz who knows what change might bring.......
What going through the mind of Stacy at 1:08 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 19
One more week of school, one more week of school
****Sing it with me now***One more week of school!!!! I don't know who's more excited, me or the kids!!!! I LOVE summer (bummer deal for a gal that lives in the Arctic)!!! And I love when my kiddos are home with me! Let the good times roll.....
K. started a new job yesterday...still at the North Slope on a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off schedule, but now it is day shift!!! Horray! The last year of him flopping from days to nights every 2 weeks has been hell! Not only is this a bit of a promotion but it is a HUGE quality of life improvement!!!
2 weeks from today is the Narnia Birthday bash!!! It's slowly coming together. So far I have the invites done, I have recieved the winter scene stuff, a life size cut out (picture the stand-up things they make to promote movies) of Aslan, a lampost, Narnia passports are on the way, a cake with a computer image of a movie scene on it, uhm.......I can't seem to remember what else. I need to find some Turkish delight or something similar, plates & cups & such, scavenger hunt stuff, & make the wardrobe (out of a fridge box). I'll keep you posted.......
Life is just so busy right now....the last week of school always is, picnic & parties & awards stuff & conferences. I need to try to fit some sleep in there somewhere!! :) And yes, that means life has been so busy I have been neglecting my blog & haven't been reading my bloggin buddies works as regularly.... for that I do apologize. Although I must admit, I did a bit of blog surfing last night & realized I have way too many blogs bookmarked. There a bunch I still love, but there are a few I frequented in the past that now I think "WTF?". Everyone has the right to say what they want on their own blogs, but there is some crap (stuff that is just over the top in a sexual nature, excessive liberal shit & so on) I just don't need to be bothered with, KWIM? I guess I have just reached a point in my life where I need to weed out the stuff that 'gets to me' & concentrate on the things that really matter. So I will be making some changes to my favorites...well...I guess I just got off on a tangent, eh? LOL
Anyway, have a great weekend & I'll leave you with this photo...Ijust took this from my livingroom window. When I am getting all bummed about living so far away from everthing & everybody, I look out my front window and all is well! (Sorry about the poor photo quality.....we are south facing & have a pretty decent glare going on)
What going through the mind of Stacy at 10:38 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 12
If you looked up "Glutton for Punishment" in the dictionary
this is the picture you would see .....yep, that would be me!!!! Once again I have gotten myself into a major project that has me saying "WTF?".
You see my baby girl will be turning 8 next month & we have entered the "Birthday Zone". This is the time that begins around 6 weeks before the big day (but has been known to occur as early as the day after the previous year's festivities). During this period, the upcoming event becomes the most important date of the entire century. The entire family eats, sleeps & breathes birthday. Being the good momma I am, I asked D. what type of party she wanted to have. Her response: A Narnia sleepover party Sounds cool...I love Narnia & it is way better than some of the crap out there. So like all parents know, you log on to & find your theme. Narnia stuff??? What gives??? I spent hours searching :Narnia Birthday" & "Nanria Parties" and had very little luck. I found a few ideas but believe me, it was slim pickins. So now here I am, 3 weeks from the party date (although her official birthdate isn't until June 18th) & I am scramblin'. It seems that in order to pull this sucker off, the whole deal will be from 'scratch'.
Today I spent a good portion of the day at the Craft Garden (local scrapbook store run by a good friend) working on the invitations. I am proud to say they are done....and not to toot my own horn, but they R-O-C-K! D. loves them! ***the image above is a scan of both sides of the invite. It's postcard style & we packed them in the clear envelopes. I wish the scan did them justice** What she doesn't know, is all the other stuff I am working on. As far as she knows, she has the invitations & we'll have a themed cake & they'll get to watch the movie. Boy is girlfriend in for a surprise. We're talking winter scene, a real lampost, Narnia passports, scavenger hunt, a life size's gonna be so cool! I'll keep you all posted as this deal comes together.........
So as I said....I am such a glutton.....but my girl is sooooo worth it!!!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 9:50 PM 8 comments
Monday, May 8
Anyone have some cheese....
to go with my whine????
Yep..I'm whiney today & for those who just might give a shit, I will tell you why.........................
~it's freakin' May 7th & we woke up to snow. WTF??
~it's only May 7th & we are already in 'Hurry-up- & -get-it-done before summer is over" mode
~if you are seeing a reoccurring theme it is summer is too damn short in Alaska :(
~I love all my friends, but I miss having a 'group' of friends. A few years back I had a 'group' of friends who all went out for dinner or just hung out together for the hell of it. But now, I have a bunch of friends, but who just aren't friends with each other & it kind of sucks.....whine, whine, whine.....
~I just feel like I am in a rut...maybe I need more diet Coke....yep, that's probably the answer....
That's all for now folks.....
What going through the mind of Stacy at 6:14 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 5
So...this is what I've been up to....
nothing terribly exciting, yet I have hardly had a moment to stop & catch my breath. It seems I am always on the go with this, that, or the other..... My friends look at my (fabulous pink & black) planner in absolute awe.....the calendar is simply jam packed. Especially this time of year~ just 3 more weeks of school. But that also means 3 insanely busy weeks! Picnics, field trips, performances & so on....
And if that wasn't enough I made the mistake of visitng the bookstore about a week & a half ago. For me, this is incredibly dangerous. I love any & all books....but I seem to have a problem. Once I 'get into' a book, I get absolutely nothing else accomplished. So I go to Walden's & walk out with Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Magyk, & a few others. Plus D. got books 1-6 of the Nancy Drew series. So for over a week now we have had our noses buried in the books. In that time I have finished the above 2 plus How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend by the Monks of New Skete & How to Talk to a Liberal (if You Must). Now I am working on Flyte the sequel to Magyk, as well as a few others. I always seem to be reading 4 or 5 books at any one time, & usually from all different genres. I guess I am just weird that way. But if any of you are Harry Potter fans, you simply have to read Magyk. I can't wait to read it again with D.
So now you all know where I have been hiding & if anyone has any other good book recommendations, just let me know :)
Have a great weekend!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 4:40 PM 5 comments