Friday, June 1


yes, ohmmmmmmmmm, like in yoga. Although I have heard 'ohm' in yoga classes or thrown it around jokingly when pretending to meditate instead of doing something serious, I never knew there was actually a symbol for ohm. That was until 2 weeks ago when my Philosophy of Eastern Reigion class kicked off. Okay....I am a Christian girl through & through and some of this mysticism stuff is way more than my brain can handle. Let's just say it's not my bag....

Although I have done a bit of yoga, it has been entirely for the benefit of my gluteus maximus, not for any form of spiritual enlightenment. And while I highly believe in the power of prayer, meditation is completely beyond my comprehension. You know what I am saying....the whole "clear your mind" crap....."make it void of all thought".....have you ever tried to do this?? For me it is impossible. I always have good intentions then I end up thinking about the most bizarre things like "do I need to pick up new razor blades at walmart?"or "when is swimming lesson sign ups", or "I wonder whatever happened to Patty, the front desk clerk from the CDC in England". I mean , seriously, when my mind wanders ...look out. There's no telling where it'll end up. So needless to say clearing my mind is impossible......

That was until yesterday (you knew this was coming didn't ya)..........I was in the middle of a paper on Greek mythology for one of my other classes when the phone rang. It was my youngest sister calling to say she is coming to visit in June. We got to chatting & the paper fell by the wayside. When I finally returned to it about a half hour later, I relaized I had left a sentence half finished~the thought was incomplete. I sat there wracking my brain, trying desperately to recall what I had been referencing................ Nothing. For five full minutes I sat staring at my computer screen & not a single thought passed through my mind. Not even random ones. Then I realized "this is that ohm stuff!" this is what it feels like. But talk about a hell of a time for it to finally happen.......... If I was a believer in all that eastern stuff, I'd say my karma isn't so good.....