Without further ado................Kellen: We (in the lower states) are so fascinated by Alaska (being dark part of the year, is there snow all the time, how cold does it get, can you plant a garden...?).
Yes, it is quite dark throughout the winter months. We live in the Mat-Su Valley about an hour outside of Anchorage. During the height of winter, the sun 'rises' at about 10:30am & sets by 4pm. Frankly, it sucks! You know its sad when my hubby & I head to Walmart to 'soak up the rays' of the fluorescent lights! But we have it much better than the people who live further north (yes, you can still travel about 750 miles futher north) in Barrow get 3 solid months of darkness...the sun does NOT rise at all! On the flip side, summer ROCKS! We get 20+ hours of daylight! There is nothing like playing with your kids outside at 11:30 at night and it is still daylight! Talk about the ultimate summer vacation! Here is my all-time favorite photo....it is a time-elapsed image of how the sun travel s across the sky throughout the day here on June 21st each year...uber cool!
No the snow doesn't stay year-round.....our's melts sometime in April.....each area of the state is a little different. The only places that retain snow are the highest elevations, like the mountain peaks & such.
In our area, the winter temps often dip down to about -20 degrees F. but in the summer we also get up in the 70's and 80's.... The worst part is the windchill. We live in a windtunnel because we are situated between 2 glaciers and boy do the winds howl! It gets pretty bad, but we manage. To put in perspective though, our kids are required to go outside at school until the temps drop below -10 degrees F. Needless to say we invest in warm winter gear :)
And YES you can have a garden, especially in our region. The Mat-Su Valley is the only area of the state can support true farming. We can grown a variety of vegetables..... plus squash and cabbage get incredibly large....think of what that all the sunlight can do! The giant veggies are a huge attraction at our State Fair every year.
Krystyn: Do you find yourself sleeping less hours during the Summer when there is so much daylight?
Yep! It is pretty amazing how quickly your body adjusts! There are studies showing that the average Alaskan sleeps about 10-12 hours a night during the winter and less than 6 in the summer! Somehow the sunlight just energizes you!
Kate: Do you love it? What have you gone back to school for?
Uhm...most of the time I love it....the are definitely the downsides.....long winter, being so far from our families, being so far from everything in general....but still I am not ready to leave. I don't know if we'll stay here forever, but for now this is home. I am back in school finishing a BA in History while concurrently working on a post-baccalaureate K-8 teaching certification. My first degree was in Early Childhood Education, but that isn't what I want to do anymore! When it's all said & done (2 years from now) I'll have my certification & my M.A.T. (Master in Teaching). Wish me luck :)
EC: once heard (from someone in Alaska) that almost everyone carries shotguns in their home because you never know when a random bear or large animal will happen upon your home or area in which you live - is this true?
Hmm...come to think of it most people here do have guns! Where we live we don't necessarily have them in case animals come near our home, although a black bear set up residence in our subdivision recently. That being said, it is pretty common for people to take a gun with them when going hiking, fishing, etc.....cuz there is a good chance you might run across a bear. We have several friends who have bear skins on their walls that they didn't go out hunting for...essentially they killed them when the bear snuck up on them in the woods.
Are your big cities like our bit cities? Anchorage is our largest city, and while it is has everything you need, it is still behind most major cities in the Lower 48. We go 'outside' and just drool over all the shops, and restaurants, and activities....okay its topics like this that make me want to move......ugh!
Finally - Doesn't it ever bother you that you can't just "drive across country" like someone would if they lived in NY and wanted to go to California? Do you ever feel landlocked?
Honestly, that is the one thing that probably bothers me more than anything else. Like I said, we have been here for 11 years and before that we were in Europe. It has been years since I have been able to just go on the quintessential American Road Trip. It is pretty frustrating! My mom-mobile (aka the magnificent minivan) is itching for the open road!
Brittany: Oh boy I hear ya.... I grew up in Stark County, Ohio so I have heard it all! up here a lot of people are from the Pacific NW, so they are clueless about anything east of the Mississippi. When I say I am from Ohio I might as well just say a "pasture out in the middle of podunk!"
Kami: No Aldo...while we are getting more stores all the time, the selection still pretty well stinks! :)
Lunanik: I guess the question that springs into my mind is...why live in Alaska?? I don't want to sound rude, I've heard that Alaska is wonderful, but...live there? permanently?
We moved here in 1996 when my hubby was stationed at Elmendorf AFB. It was supposed to be a 4year tour....we ended up staying 8 years on active duty & then he retired after 20+ years service in Sept 2004. We still haven't made up our minds whether we'll stay permanently or not..... only time will tell.....
ohmommy: what clothing items do you put on the kids before venturing outside? What are the best gloves, underwear, etc,,,?
Layers! Layers! Layers! And we don't skimp, even the slightest bit on quality. I have friends who buy the $14 Spiderman snowboots from Walmart up here & I just cringe.....its bloody cold people! So we stick with stuff that is well insulated, and temp. rated. Brands such as Columbia, Lands Ends, Obermeyer, L.L. Bean, etc rate their products to tell you what temps they are suited for. We make sure the kids have WARM gear & we always have spares. You can't afford to have a mitten go missing around here without a spare......oh yeah, mittens over gloves.....your own body heat is better at keeping you warm than any glove.....And my kids LOVE Acorn socks...they keep the tootsies uber toasty!
cry it out (Mike): As to your request, does Holling still live in Alaska? How about Dr. Fleischman? What ever happened to Chris? (And my real question is ... do Alaskans get a lot of questions about that show? Or is it just me?) LOL! Good one.... oddly enough I never watched Northern Exposure during it heyday because we were overseas. But once we moved here I learned that the 90's series was based on the small town of Talkeetna, home to the world famous Moose Dropping Festival...yeah you gotta see it to believe it...
When we first moved here there were a lot of questions about the show...but that seems to have died off on recent years.
alexandra's world: Have you seen a difference in climate lately? Like, less snow? The whole global warming thing... I'm obsessed with it now!
Hmm.... its hard to say. Each & every winter is incredibly different. We still get incredibly cold & tons of snow. And we haven't seen the extreme temp. increases in the summer like the rest of the US. I am sure there are effects, but not to the degree the Lower 48 is experiencing them.
And last but certainly not least......my dear sister Femmie: Wait...I do have a question... when does Alaska get to come home??? That seems like the best question of any posted, and I bet the crazies on the phone don't ever ask that one! We sure do miss you guys...and we aren't shoveling snow yet...does that persuade you at all?
Good question...I really don't know sweetie! while I'd love to say soon, it's only been less than 6 months since we were there last. I wish I had an answer...... Hopefully a isit is in our near future. And as far as moving, I am gonna have to keep working on the hubby with that one....he wasn't impressed when he MSN ranked Canton among the 10 worst cities for jobs in the nation.... ugh! But you know I love ya! :)
Someone commented that they were suprised to see our house- whilewe don't live in igloos, our houses are so different from Lower 48 houses. They totally lack in architectural detail. They are built to withstand the elements...period! I love to go outside & see all of the "pretty" houses (yes, I am whining...)
Ya wanna hear something really lame...I get mopey about the weirdest things......I hate that I have never lived anyplace where there has been a Target (but we are finally getting one next year.) I hate that we don't have pumpkin patches and apple orchards. I hate that we don't live close enough to go to an amusement park for the day. I hate that there are only like 3 places to have your kids birthday party, so believe me those 3 get old really quick! I hate that I get to wear short & flipflops less than 3 months out of the year. I really hope that someday I get the chance to live in a warm climate, even if just for a short while. When I was little I wanted to live in Florida more than anything.....I think I got my directions confused somewhat..... I hate that just to get my family out of state it costs a minimum of $2000! And I HATE that no one will ship anything of a substantial size to AK....no Pottery Barn desks or IKEA...it stinks! Okay...enough whining already ........
Anyway...thank you everybody for your questions & all of those of you who left awesome comments ( I am sorry I didn't mention everyone...I gotta get back to my schoolwork...but I'll be sure to visit all of your blogs soon)! I really enjoyed them :)
**** And yes my kids call my mom "Gma"...not just Gma, but Grandma-Gma. It's quite funny. When D. was little, my hubby nicknamed my mom Gma, cuz he said Grandma was just too long to say. Well it backfired....my kids actually lengthed her name......
Monday, October 29
Holy Questions, Batman!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 8:42 AM 14 comments
Thursday, October 25
It's officiallly here................
Winter that is......I can't deny it any longer :(

What going through the mind of Stacy at 4:24 PM 26 comments
Tuesday, October 23
Grandma love........

What going through the mind of Stacy at 6:18 PM 10 comments
Friday, October 19
Real life experience # 5 (I think)....
okay I haven't done this feature in a long, long while but I think it is time to bring it back baby......
take it from me......if you leave the house for a few hours and you return home to realize the whole freakin' place wreaks....yeah, seriously wreaks....of uber stinky canned dog food nonetheless...do NOT spend 45 minutes trying to eliminate the source of such smell by fumigating your house with Lysol ...yeah, I mean the garbage can, the dog kennel, the kids rooms, etc......first check to see if your dumb ass left a full can of Iams open on the kitchen counter, instead of putting it in the dog's bowl the morning, where it rightfully belongs....just in case you were wondering....
***I intend to make this a new feature of my blog. I consider it my civic duty (***cough cough...choking on my own line of crap here***) to help others learn from my mistakes*****
What going through the mind of Stacy at 11:21 PM 3 comments
A girl's gotta love a good challenge....

If your classmates were playing the same game amongst themselves, how would they describe you and your 30-something pal?
They-who-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-give-colorful-commentary-on-fellow-students.....yes, these 30-something wannabes (don't they realize that 30 is sooooo old) that sit in the back of the room giggling hysterically about who-knows-what. Seriously, they may have mental issues....either that or they have NO lives, if they find this class so freakin' funny. While we are all here for the benefit of higher education (*okay, this is stretching it a wee bit*) , they are obviously content with paying thousands of dollars to the University for the sake of a good laugh.

So my fellow bloggers....how would you be described??? Give it your best shot! And feel free to to analyze me as well...I have thick skin, I can take it!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 11:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 18
Let me tell you a tale.......

So my classmate & I have taken to quietly entertaining ourselves to make the time go by a bit faster. It is sad that a pair of (*cough*) 30-something moms must resort to such measures...... The above song is just one example. We have also become amateur psychoanalysts. So let me give you just a brief run down of a few of our oh-so-interesting case studies.......

While we are not qualified in the area of the arts, we are intrigued by said classmate's ability to create incredibly detailed 'lives' for her cartoon characters. Honestly, it's kind of creepy......let me elaborate:
She-who-wants-to-be-an-artist: Wanna see my new stuff?
Us: uhhhh....
She: Yeah, this is some of my best stuff....
Us: *Blank stare*
She: This is Olivia (shows us a 2x2 inch black & white sketch a female head) and she is 34 & married. She has 3 kids, but the middle one is her favorite. But she has anxiety attacks & her husband is sleeping with some lady he works with. And Olivia had a very traumatic childhood.....blah, blah, blah.....and last week at the grocery store she had an confrontation with a lady that goes to the same hair salon......blah, blah, blah.... (this goes on forever)
Me: Uhm...have you used her in other drawings....
She: Naw...I am too busy 'creating' her in my mind.......
Yeah, creepy! And this isn't an isolated incident. Every week there is a new character.....a simple drawing, with an incredibly elaborate 'life'. okaayyyyyyyyyyyyy then......
Then we have He-who-carries-a suitcase. Yeah dude carries a full-size suitcase to class every week to carry his school books. Upon arriving to class, he slings it up on the table & sets up 'camp'. In case you are wondering, he only carries textbooks & notebooks in the case. But I keep waitng for a dead bosy to fallout of it. Seriously...who carries a full-size Samsonite to class?
Then there is She-who-talks-a-lot. The girl that worked for Disney for less than a week but claims to be a Disney expert. And she all of, maybe, 22..... And we spend the entire class listening to her try to talk oer the professor or the documentary. Ugh...shut up already. And last night she decided to make herself at home & brought a bean bag chair to class. Yep, she just plopped down at the front of the room & made herself comfortable..... Hello?? This is college...
And finally I will tell you about They-who-need-to-get-a-room. Yep, they sit right in front of us...and make-out constantly. WTH?? This is not the place people! And when they do come up for air, he feels the need to try to strike up a conversation with us. Yeah....we'll pass thanks. You know, we should probably cut her some slack. I mean how can she possibly resist him.....with his mullet, Britney Spears hooded sweatshirt worn under an 'official' Howarts (of Harry Potter fame) Corduroy blazer. Yeah..he is smokin' Any girl should be so lucky.....NOT!
So there you have my Wednesday evening in a nutshell :)
What going through the mind of Stacy at 9:12 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 17
Holiday confusion.....
While I should be thinking about this,I can't seem to get this off my mind!
Yes, folks...just 69 shopping days until Christmas. Now before you throw stones, let me explain that I am not a "Christmas junkie." While I absolutely love the holidays, I am not one of those people who start decorating the day after Halloween. I avoid the Christmas displays that are already popping up in the stores like the plague... I'll check them out come very late November. However, I do like to get a jump on my Christmas shopping! I hate staring down the barrel of the Xmas shopping-gun in the middle of December, knowing I am under pressure to get my shopping done. So I start now...buying a little here & some more there, in an attempt to be done prior to December 1st.

What going through the mind of Stacy at 10:00 AM 8 comments
Monday, October 15
Blog action day.....
What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day? One issue. One day. Thousands of voices....
I personally think this is a fabulous idea! I'll admit in the past I avoided 'environmental issues'...call it denial or whatever, but I'm guilty. Furthermore, we are very politically conservative. And (don't shoot me for saying this) but it often seems enviromental issues & liberal politics go hand-in-hand. So we just stayed "on our side of the fence." However as time has gone on K & I, have become a bit more aware of the impact of environmental issues in general. Then I took a Physical Geography class this past summer, and boy were my eyes ever opened. Now I don't claim to be uber green...I wish I was. But dang, is it ever hard....... especially living up here in Alaska. For instance my family's eco-footprint is not pretty.

So here it is.......
What going through the mind of Stacy at 10:50 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 10
Hump day.....
yep folks, we are half way to the weekend! Oh...I guess that mean we are even closer to midterms next week...ugh! I digress......

**By the way, I have to tell you how incredibly proud I am of my Aunt...I think what she is doing is amazing. There are so few people out there willing to make that type of enormous sacrifice.....wow..........
What going through the mind of Stacy at 1:23 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 9
And Tuesday goes like this......
·I have a raging canker sore on the inside of my bottom lip-totally hot, I know. I wonder if it has anything to do with the immense amount of stress this semester has inflincted upon my life?

What going through the mind of Stacy at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 8
Overheard today in our second home....uhm...I mean the minivan...
As we're driving home from R's kindergarten fieldtrip today I overheard the following comment:
"So what if you looked in your pocket and there was vomit in it, but you didn't vomit...."
All I can say to that is eewwwwwwwwwwww.............................only five year old boys, I tell ya!
What going through the mind of Stacy at 5:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 7
All aboard...the Random Train of Thought...
where it stops...nobody knows:)
·It's 34 degrees...and my kids are playing outside for the sheer fun of it. For what it's worth, I think they are nuts....but I won't tell them that, cause exercise is always good for little kiddos! And just in case you are sitting there wondering what the big deal is, let me show you how kids in Alaska dress to play outside in 34˚ weather.........
Short sleeves, even some shorts...but by golly don't forget the stocking cap. And the only reason my child (the one in the middle) isn't wearing a cap is cause she has all that stinking hair & she claims it's "too warm for a hat".
And no it's not just me...some loser mom who allows this. This is this Alaskan standard. This morning I went to the grocery store & I must have seen at least 10 adults in shorts. Mind you several of them were wearing shorts, a polar fleece jacket & flip-flops. Go figure.
· I am working on yet another paper. This one is for History of Alaska. Blech....I guess I have had a crappy attitude about this class since before it even started. Why? Uhm...the instructor required 11 texts -8 of which he authored. Uhm....let's see......if your book is so crappy that it doesn't sell on its own merit don't force your students to buy it just to make a buck. My method to avoid padding Prof. Jerk-boy's pockets......the public library, thank you very much.
·I can honestly say the state of Alaska doesn't contain enough diet Coke to get me through the next 2 years. K. keeps reminding me that if I stick to it that in 2 "short" (doesn't seem short right now) years I'll have not only my post-baccalaureate Teaching certificate but my M.A.T. (masters of arts in teaching)...but right now I just wanna give them a wad of $$$ and get it over with. ***Yes, in case you are wondering...this is Whine-fest 2007***
·Tomorrow is R.'s first school field trip. We are driving....an hour into Anchorage (& back, obviously). Please pray that they put nice little boys in my car...not the ...well, you know...the ones......cause if they put the ones in my car, it'll be one long-long drive :)
What going through the mind of Stacy at 1:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 5
Shhhhh!!! Don't tell anybody....
What going through the mind of Stacy at 4:57 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 3
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

What going through the mind of Stacy at 11:32 AM 2 comments