yep folks, we are half way to the weekend! Oh...I guess that mean we are even closer to midterms next week...ugh! I digress......
Anyway, since I will be busy for the remainder of today (I have to coach Battle of the Books after school & then my History of Flim class is tonight) I though I'd leave you with a couple photos & a link to check out.....
First this is the awesome view from my front porch yesterday evening. I love autumn, yet its way too short here. It lasts about all of maybe 2 weeks. Bummer!

Second I want you to check out this uber cute kiddo in this photo. His name is Denis and he is a student in Paraguay at the New Horizon School . My aunt Sue is the lady in the photo & she is the principal of the school. In fact, about 7 years ago she left her position as a principal of a school for special needs in Ohio, sold her house & decided to devot her life to mission work by opening this awesome school in Asuncion, Paraguay. Denis is in 3rd grade & we have been sponsoring him since he started Kindergarten. We pay $30/ month & that covers his tuition, uniform, some food, & some activities. I can say it's one of the best things we've ever done. Atleast twice a year we get a letter & photos from him, and often I'll recieve a letter from his parents as well. It's been amazing to see him grow in thrive through these photos. So recently another missionary was going to Asuncion & offered to take small packets from all of the sponsors in the US to the children. We were limited to what we could put in a gallon ziploc. I sent some art supplies (because it's his favorite), a letter, some photos &'s not important. He always writes a thank you letter for such packages. But this time I got a suprise email from my aunt of our photos with she & Denis. Pretty cool, eh?
And you thought all I could talk about was college & vomit jokes, huh? :)
**By the way, I have to tell you how incredibly proud I am of my Aunt...I think what she is doing is amazing. There are so few people out there willing to make that type of enormous
Yes, the week is winding down. And I know you don't want to hear this but there was a dusting of snow on the south side of Anchorage know it's going to get here soon, sorry.
Sue, what can I say? I totally agree with you, she is one amazing lady.
SHUT UP about the snow already make me crazy :)
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