Friday, October 5

Shhhhh!!! Don't tell anybody....

What I am doing right now: randomly blog surfing and indulging in yet another diet coke

What I should be doing right now: writing a paper on the African practice of Female circumcision that is due by midnight tonight...eewwww....
There are no words to describe how badly I am dreading this......


k said...

I don't blame you for surfing the web instead of writing that paper.

As interesting as the topic may be, it's probably equally as stomach-turning.

Jackie said...

You are soooo busted lady....get back to work! Seriously, this has got to be one of most boring topics I've ever heard of. (I was just randomly surfing too when I came across this. I feel so sorry for you.)
Love ya, Mom

alana said...

Don't worry, we're all addicted. Perhaps I should fashion an aspertame patch. I'm thinking it might a big money maker. :)