Monday, March 3

Move over Wedding Crashers......Mommy Crashers Are in the house....

So Saturday we had little R's 6th birthday party at Bouncin' Bears, the new 'cool' place to have a party around here, especially for the 12 & under crowd. Well we had a huge turnout (29 kids...that is including the siblings of all the kids we invited......seriously this place is popular) & the kids had a BLAST! However, the attendent told me to let her know if "anyone comes in with a present" that we don't know?

To make a long story short, she tells me there is a 'ring' of moms who are trying to crash parties........yep, crashing the parties of 6 year olds. Why you might ask? Well, it is like $7.00 a kid to go to Bouncin' Bears for "Open Jump"that is held throughout the week (& on weekends if no parties are scheduled). Well for the convience of people who might want to attend Open Jumps on the weekends the management has posted a schedule on their website to let them know when parties are scheduled.

So..................instead of forking over say $21.oo if a family has three kids & waiting (like decent folk) for an Open Jump opportunity, these schmoes are showing up to some unsuspecting kid's party with a $5.00 present in hand, hoping to save themselves 16-or-so dollars......and hey they might even score their kids a cupcake, juice box & goodie bag in the process...................uhm, can you say L-O-S-E-R-S! And I guess this hasn't just happened one has become a regular problem! Good grief!
And an update since my last post......I lived through last week's Lit. midterm, but now I am prepping for NE Asia in the 21st Century midterm tomorrow night & Western Religion for Wednesday! Ugh....................such is life................


Brittany said...

Wow! People really need to gain some morals! And we wonder why are kids are turning out the way they are-- it's the parents! gah!

stacy a said...

Seriously???? That's a terrible thing to teach your kids.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL' DUDE!!! Sounds like he had a great party. Wish we could've been there. I can't believe he's 6 already. That's more birthdays....he has to stay 6. :)

Love you guys. Tell everyone hello and pass around some hugs and kisses.

k said...

Wow - I can't believe people are crashing the 'bounce house' - amazing.

Hope little R had a great birthday!!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

You have got to be kidding me! Poeple, people, people.

Good luck on the next round of exams :-)

Kelli said...

thanks for stopping over at my blog, love getting to know you through your blog. We went to one of those bouncy places, we even the adults had a blast. Great work out