I can't wait for until Monday, December 8th.
I wish December 8th was still a month away.
I'm just a little bit (okay a whole lot) conflicted.

Whether I am wishing for it to be over or wishing for more time- the fact still remains I only have 6 days left. And to be honest , either way, the thought of the next 6 days completely overwhelms me.
So bear with me for just a sec while I grab some cheese to go with my nip of whine here............ I am so.....ugh.....I already used the word overwhelmed didn't I? I can't believe next week this degree will be done.....never mind I have already started the next one (let's not even think about that right now). But standing between me & next Monday is a v-e-r-y boring paper on the Japanese "Bubble" economy, a HUGE final exam & last, but definitely not least I have to complete my thesis. My achilles heel. What just might be the very death of me.
But all joking aside, I am struggling. REALLY struggling. I told K. the other night that it hurts.... everything hurts. I'm talking physical pain. Really, really bad. It is stress....I know it. And I just have to press through it. I know I 'bit off more than I can chew' this semester. I know I should have waited until next semester to start the next degree plan...but it is way too late for that now.
Anyway...all I am asking is for a few...okay a bunch..of prayers to get me through this next 6 days. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............
See ya on the flip side......................