Every-stinkin'-where.......that's where :)
Yep......college classrooms, the college library, my office (or on the sofa with my laptop), elementary & middle school classrooms......you know I am just all kinds of crazy I tell ya! So I am pressing on with this Master's program (4 classes this semester) & uber-busy writing my thesis on Japanese American internment during WWII (as it applies to freedom & democracy.....yada, yada, yada) plus I having been subbing in our local school district. Yeah.....i have all kinds of free time, ya know (said with by best Minnesota accent)?
So obviously I've been busy....with nothing exciting to write about but I do have to throw this little tidbit out for my sister Femmie. I know she'll get a total kick out of it....................

Today I taught 8th grade at our charter school. Part of my day included an hour and a half lesson in Pre-Algebra. Yes, Femmie....................I said algebra. Okay....let me tell you all that right about now my sister has not only shot diet coke out her nose all over the comouter screen, she probably has also wet her pants laughing so hard........................and with good cause, I tell you. Let me explain.......while we are both relatively smart (not to brag) & are really good students (with slight over-achiever issues) we both absolutley suck at algebra! Seriously....this notion is absolutely hysterical! And the kids actually thought I 'had it together". One girl even said "I wish Mr. G could explain it like that!" And another said as I left "Man I wish you were our regular teacher."
See, Femmie....there is hope for us yet...........................:)