yep......in typical "Life Inside" fashion I have been MIA (again). Since nearly the beginning of the month we have been soaking up the sun in Georgia & it has been glorious! Especially considering the fact that the summer in Alaska is one of the worst in history....seriously they are saying we might very likely set the record for the wrost summer on record. Blech!
So we've been loving the heat & sun here just south of Atlanta & the kids have loved spending time with their cousins that live here. We will be all-too-sad to get on the plane come Tuesday morning. There remains one bright point in our return trip- we get to spend some time with some dear friends in Burbank, California. The kids are so excited to see where their friends live & we might even hit the beach for a bit! I promise to share oodles of pics once we get back home.
Speaking of home.....by the time we get home our house repairs should be complete........oh yeah that right, y'all don't know about our house issues. The very issues that kept me away from blogging in the weeks leading up to our trip......
About 2 weeks before we left I went down to the laundry room to throw in a load. As I walked down the hall wall in our lower level, something seemed "off".................well, to make a long story uber short, the drain in my laundry room backed up. The water then soaked in the carpet in my hallway outside the laundry room & proceeded to flow wherever it possibly could. All in all it'll be over a $13,000 repair! YIKES! Thank the good Lord for a awesome homeowner's policy! And rather than stress, I am attempting to find joy in the fact that my hallway, 2 bedrooms (the spares) & my family room will get brand new carpet plus the laundry & bathroom will each get new vinyl flooring. The downside of all that is that is the part of the house that DIDN'T need new carpet! LOL
On a completley different note I have a heavy heart this evening. I sat down here at my in-laws to do some of my schoolwork on my laptop & thought I would take a peak at the Anchorage paper online first. To my utter shock I found out a friend of mine passed away on Monday. We knew each other through our daughters being on swim team together. She was only 41 & apparently passed due to heart failure following a surgery. Since I have been gone for several weeks I know very few details.......but to say I am shocked is an understatement. My heart aches for this dear woman's her family.......... her girls were so young...........she was so young herself............