Let me break it down for you:
·I have not been able to log into my blog in over 2 weeks......yeah....you can imagine the things I was thinking about that. And the Blogger techies couldn't tell me why. Go figure! But I am back on now, so keep your fingers crossed!
· Little R. got a wicked case of strep the last week of school & missed all of the festivities at school. That meant the hubby & I were playing "musical children" during the busiest week of the school year.
·So last Tuesday we were getting into my van to head to the school for the kids' exit interviews (end of year conferences) & as I climbed into the driver's seat I couldn't help but notice the front seats had stuff everywhere. Apparently someone had broken into our van overnight & was looking some goods. Of course they found my uber-expensive digital camera that was in the console between the front seat (mistakenly kept there so I wouldn't forget it during all of the aforementioned school activities). They also stole our dual-DVD system. But with that the joke was on them......first of all they forgot the power cord. I know for a fact a replacement for it runs about $25. So once they buy a cord to power the system, they will discover it BROKEN! Ha! Jokes on them........ serves 'em right!
Needless to say I am super mad about the whole ordeal. I ♥LOVE♥ my camera *makes super sad face*. And the whole ideal of somebody breaking in creeps me out. I mean we live in a nice, well-lit subdivision. But this just goes to prove nobody is immune. The cop that came out said tons of people in our town have been hit in the last 2 weeks or so like we were . They suspect its kids doing the work......great........just what I wanted to hear........
· Anyway...if you are still with me, it gets better.............
Thursday night I am grilling up some fabulous steaks for dinner & I hear R. say to his sister "I'm going inside, my eye hurts!" I took a quick look at it as he came onto the deck & it was a bit red. I told him to go get a wet cloth & I'd be right there. Anyway...I'll spare you all the details but in less than 10 minutes the area around his eye had swelled to the size of a baseball & the conjunctiva (the membrane in the eye socket) had swollen up & was actually bulging out. Ewwww......it was so not pretty. Needless to say we were at the ER in under 10 minutes. For a brief moment I wondered if we were overreacting.....then as soon as we set foot in the door, the nurse at the triage desk took one look at him, and told us not to move. Even though the waiting room was packed, they ushered us straight back to an exam room.....they didn't even take his name. While we were pleased with the immediate attention, we got really freaked out then. You know to be concerned if they don't even take time to slap an arm band on you.
In the end, they determined he was having an acute allergic reaction to a bug bite & were able to get him fixed up with some meds & such. Then we followed up the next day (at the ER doc's recommendation) with both our pediatrician & an opthamologist. In the end everyone is in agreement - little dude is having progressively worse reactions to bug bites. We have seen bad reactions to mosquitoes in him before....but this was this was the worst (thus far). So now we armed with prescription emergency antihistamines out the wazooo as well as the almighty Epi-pen! Fun...............oh yeah.......................
So there is my fun in a nutshell......how are things going with everyone else????

Oh & by the way, since I wasn't able to log on to blogger, I wasn't able to reveal the answer to the the Jellybean challenge. The number of Jelly Bellies in the jar is 3670! Seriously...talk about sugar rush! And the winner is...............drumroll, please....................Corey. Congrats! I will be contacting you via your blog Corey to get your goodies to you!
Lator gators.................